Monday, January 16, 2012

Week One- The Beginning the 1st weigh in

Well, with the support of my Best Friend Angie, I went to Weight Watchers and joined.  I hesitiate to put this out there but I figured all who are reading this are here to support me and not critisize me.  My 1st initial weigh in i weighed.....279.6 lbs! This makes me sick and even more encouraged to lose.  I have been doing exceptionally well this week, counting my points and avoiding temptation.  I even walked at work today on my break and lunch for approx 2 miles. We are also doing a "biggest loser" comeptition at work, so I also have the support of my co-workers.  We have weigh-ins at work on Thursdays and I weigh-in at WW on saturdays!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 1 January 12, 2012

I have decided to start a blog to track my weight loss journey.  I have a long road ahead of me and I am determined for this to work.  I have at least 100 lbs to lose and probably even more according to standards.  I am going to be joining Weight Watchers this Saturday and after that I will blog again.  So here I go, Lord give me the strength and courage I need to do this for myself, I deserve it, right?